Dr. Abubakar Eby Hara as a Speaker in the International Webinar COVID-19 and World Order: Answering to the effectiveness of democratic and authoritarian regimes in handling COVID-19

International Relations lecturer at the University of Jember, Dr. Abubakar Eby Hara, presented the International Webinar on Covid-19 and World Order with the topic "Democratic and Authoritarian Regimes after Covid-19". This international webinar was organized online by IRiSS & Faculty of Law and International Relations, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia. Dr. Abubakar Eby Hara explained whether there is a relationship between democratic or authoritarian regimes and the world order during and after Covid-19. In this webinar, Dr. Abubakar Eby Hara focused on the view that democracy is questioned regarding its effectiveness. While authoritarian regimes are seen as at least facilitating the process of handling covid. Dr. Eby Hara provided his ideas and data to answer this. In the webinar, Dr. Abubakar Eby Hara concluded that the democratic or authoritarian system in a country both have their own limitations to overcome Covid-19. handle it. Some of the alternatives presented by Dr. Eby Hara still have hope to overcome these limitations by increasing the role of NGOs, conducting social democracy, deliberative democracy, international organizations, cosmopolitan democracy and world government.

Author : Dhavina Ayunda

Editor : Annisa Rizkyta

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