Workshop on Technical Guidelines for Internships

International Relations Department, University of Jember facilitates students to do out-of-campus activities, one of which is an internship. With the internship, students are expected to be able to explore and develop their skills. It will prepare them for entering the workplace. The high enthusiasm of International Relations students participating in internships requires Technical Guidelines for Internships. The guidelines include guidelines for selecting an internship program, placement, learning process, conversion, and other things that students need to know when going to do an internship.

Therefore, on September 9-11th, 2022, International Relations held a Workshop on the preparation of Internship Technical Guidelines at the Java Lotus Jember Hotel. This activity is an integral part of the Kompetisi Kampus Merdeka Program (PKKM) Grant 2022. In addition, this activity is also useful for supporting the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology program. The series of workshop activities include dialogue with students who have carried out internships and the preparation of an internship technical guidebook.

Author : Nur Zahrun Al Jannah

Editor : Gilang Ariantama

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